Monday, August 13, 2012

Olympic Fashion

August 12th, 2012 - the end to an incredible summer Olympics. The Closing Ceremony was nothing short of incredible - the Brits really blew it out of the park, creating an absolutely magical night in London. The entire ceremony flowed flawlessly, exhibiting so much talent and so much whimsical, crazy and quirky creativity that the Brits are excellent at throwing together.

The biggest supermodels of Britain strutted the Olympic runway and owned it - with big names including Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Lily Donaldson. Each carried onto the stage by giant floats with fashion editorials, the editorals stripped of the float with high-impact and led each model to strut from all corners of the Union Jack to center stage, along to David Bowie's "Fashion".

 Soft golds, nudes, whites, soft limes.. LOTS of shimmer.

British fashion design was showcased! Threads by Alexander McQueen, Victoria Beckham, Paul Smith, Vivienne Westwood's Gold Label, Erdem, Jonathan Saunders, Burberry and Christopher Kane.

Kate Moss. focus, poised, beautiful.

 Perhaps the most anticipated portion of the ceremony - SPICE GIRLS REUNITE. Fabulous and Fierce as ever.

Quirky and such Whimsicality.

Jessie J - showing off her fierce, skin-tight shimmery nude catsuits.

Kate Middleton, being her ever-charming and poised self, kept her look perfectly balanced between classic and sporty throughout the Olympics' entire stay in London. Fitted collared shirts, knee-length pencil skirts and the fun blue-hued skinny jeans were very memorable staples.The second picture of William and Kate - DOES it get more adorable?

Her dress for the closing ceremonies - a perfect look to close the Olympics. A blue-patterned dress from Whistles, she keeps it prim, propor and sweet. She actually has worn this dress before, too - just a few months prior at the Queen's Jubilee!

And I just had to include the boys because..well..they're just BEAUTIFUL. And dressed immaculately with the perfect combination of SophisticatedBritishPrep/JustRolledOutOfBed, as always ever, and they got all of their clapping right for once, I was so proud. LOL. and I just might have screamed and close-to-passed-out at each of Niall's close ups.  ..Thank YOU Olympic cameras.

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  1. Nice post.^^
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