Saturday, August 4, 2012

style spotlight: Edge with Class {cher lloyd}

An eccentric combination of 70% Edgy and 30% Classic - Cher is always looking bold and sassy. Like the best of British style, she gives an effortless and careless/thrown-together air, but the little details like sharp collars, cuffs, buttons and high waistlines give the look a genius stroke of polish. Bold colors and intense Statement pieces characterize Cher's look and illustrate the essence of British style. Never afraid to take risks by mixing all types of different style asthetics, Cher proves to be fearless in the fashion world.
The color block of the black/white & tattoos give a sharp and bold effect, while the pointed collar, buttons and cuffs add a crispness and proper air.

High-waisted shorts give a definite classic base to the outfit - but when accessorized with a detailed chain, color-blocked pockets with a matching color-blocked necklace, the classic base recieves the distinct contrast of meeting edge. Combined with the skull top, BOLD edgy hairstyle and dark makeup, Cher proves to be fearless.

Collared chiffon blouse and lace high waisted shorts are a classic British staple - and she once again used the classic white & black contrast to give a sharp asthetic to the look.

One of my favorites. Once again she bases her outfit on the classic staples of high-waisted shorts with a vest, but combines bold patterns and colors to give a visual edge. White/Black Stripes + Union Royal Banner + Bright Red + Blue + Messy wild hair would seem to equal chaotic mess if written on paper, but pieced together by Cher equals a visual boldness that is absolutely brilliant.


  1. Hey lovely,

    i've nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award!! Check out my last post for more information!! yay


    1. Awe ! You have a lovely blog - Followed x
      God bless !
